Again, I find myself messing about on the computer. Why do I always turn to this blog when I have a spaz ready to break loose!?!
Well, today, it rained. A lot. Like seriously, a lot. And it thundered and lightninged and made my sister shriek and ask if we'd die.
Wonderously, we're all still alive, and I got past the part on Portal that was making me into a mindless keyboard-pounder.
Okay. Portal. This is the most awesome thinking game I've ever played. There is no violence (well, you do get shot at by sarcastic sentry bots...but...) and there's a lot of strategy involved, and occasionally I find myself trying to walk through walls back here.
You must buy it. Now. NOW, MINION! MUAHAHAH! Okay, you're not my minion, but hey, I can force you do buy a game. It's good for buisness.
So, you can find this pwning game in the Orange Box, which has three (?) other games in it- Half-life 2, Team Fortress 2 (which is utterly AMAZING, the character design is gorgeous) don't know the other game, but it might be Portal. Um.
I've got to go, my dad wants me to abandon this computer for the time being.
Annaly Bay.
So today we went hikin' over to Annaly Bay, which is the awesomest place on island. Totally. It's basically just a big hulkin' rocky beach, but then you climb over some rocks and voila, there is the Monk's Baths.
I love those baths. They're so relaxing and kinda Zen-like, which is neat, 'cos the hike there is just brutal (2.7 miles of hills) and after that you kinda don't smell too nice unless you've overdosed on Axe or whatever.
So we messed around in the pools for a while until mah dad's blood sugar (he has diabetes) got low so we had to go all the way back (again, 2.7 miles, and I didn't take the shortcut everyone else did) and went to eat some sandwiches. At Off The Wall. Dude, I like sandwiches.
There was a friggin' chicken in the first pool, all trussed up and ready to eat, and EW it was nasty. Squidgy and ick...I can't believe I'm drabbling about a chicken.
So then we went home, took a shower, and mah mom trucked me over to a speech therapist. Yes, she got me an appointment for a speech therapist. I have a lisp, well, actually clinically it's called "Tongue Thrusting."
Which basically means I've got the tongue of a two-year-old. Good gracious, I'm stuck in the oral stage.
And the reason?
Mah pacifier. Which I had till I was about 4.
So now I've got to do these excercise thingymajigs that are supposed to train my muscles to work differently so my tongue doesn't stick out and I don't look like some sort of obese camel.
And so my lisp will disappear.
If you see me at school doing weird things with my face, you know why. Do not annoy me about my stupid speech therapy. Get over it.
So now I'm utterly bored, having finished one of my summer reading books (I got it yesterday.) and being halfway through the next one. I'm still missing one of them (the book thief).
Oh. Yes.
And the foil side of those Pokemon tokens? They're weighted. Pwned.
I love those baths. They're so relaxing and kinda Zen-like, which is neat, 'cos the hike there is just brutal (2.7 miles of hills) and after that you kinda don't smell too nice unless you've overdosed on Axe or whatever.
So we messed around in the pools for a while until mah dad's blood sugar (he has diabetes) got low so we had to go all the way back (again, 2.7 miles, and I didn't take the shortcut everyone else did) and went to eat some sandwiches. At Off The Wall. Dude, I like sandwiches.
There was a friggin' chicken in the first pool, all trussed up and ready to eat, and EW it was nasty. Squidgy and ick...I can't believe I'm drabbling about a chicken.
So then we went home, took a shower, and mah mom trucked me over to a speech therapist. Yes, she got me an appointment for a speech therapist. I have a lisp, well, actually clinically it's called "Tongue Thrusting."
Which basically means I've got the tongue of a two-year-old. Good gracious, I'm stuck in the oral stage.
And the reason?
Mah pacifier. Which I had till I was about 4.
So now I've got to do these excercise thingymajigs that are supposed to train my muscles to work differently so my tongue doesn't stick out and I don't look like some sort of obese camel.
And so my lisp will disappear.
If you see me at school doing weird things with my face, you know why. Do not annoy me about my stupid speech therapy. Get over it.
So now I'm utterly bored, having finished one of my summer reading books (I got it yesterday.) and being halfway through the next one. I'm still missing one of them (the book thief).
Oh. Yes.
And the foil side of those Pokemon tokens? They're weighted. Pwned.
Randomness II
Again, I love Picasa.
The two people who I have taken a picture of (mind you, with my crappy old film-taking camera of DOOOM) are, from left to right, Stagger Lee and Gehna. Stagger Lee is easily frightened, skates, listens to awesome music, and has fluffy white Near hair. Gehna...looks like she should be some sort of fashion model and is mah bestest friend in the universe...or at least one of them.
This picture was taken during Quiz Bowl. Oh, how I love Quiz Bowl. I'm actually rather good at it, and I'm grateful for being good at it because otherwise I'd do nothing during lunch and I'd be bored and emo-ish.
More on that later.
But hey, a picture. Consider yourself lucky.
Listenin' to Spoon this early is theraputic, I guess. 'Cos suddenly I'm feeling all...I don't know...energized. This is strange.
So, yeah! Nothin' much happened yesterday,, my life is rather anticlimatic...
Anyway, just drabbling along, has anyone gone to Gourmetified lately?! 'Cos, y'know, I'm a guest writer, and I'll be drabbling about randomness...but food randomness.
And Hannah has discovered a new addiction to Super Mario Galaxy. For teh Wii.
We have a Wii, and until recently, we didn't really play it...heck, we didn't even really want it, and I was going to ask if we could sell it or give it to someone.
Then mah dad got some games off of Ebay. Geez, those games are friggin' EXPENSIVE, man! 60 bucks a pop or something like that. Urgh.
Anyway, Hannah is now a Mario Galaxy freak, and I'm rapidly rediscovering how incredibly pwning is. Ohhh man, it's awesome. I don't even usually listen to Arctic Monkeys, but this song (Red Light Indicates Doors Are Secured) is just plain made of WIN. Listen to it. Now.
Hahaha! I am controlling my blog readers! Muahahahaha! Feel teh BURN!
...What burn, you ask?
The burn of...burnness.
Okay, this is starting to make less and less I'll, stop writing. Now.
So, yeah! Nothin' much happened yesterday,, my life is rather anticlimatic...
Anyway, just drabbling along, has anyone gone to Gourmetified lately?! 'Cos, y'know, I'm a guest writer, and I'll be drabbling about randomness...but food randomness.
And Hannah has discovered a new addiction to Super Mario Galaxy. For teh Wii.
We have a Wii, and until recently, we didn't really play it...heck, we didn't even really want it, and I was going to ask if we could sell it or give it to someone.
Then mah dad got some games off of Ebay. Geez, those games are friggin' EXPENSIVE, man! 60 bucks a pop or something like that. Urgh.
Anyway, Hannah is now a Mario Galaxy freak, and I'm rapidly rediscovering how incredibly pwning is. Ohhh man, it's awesome. I don't even usually listen to Arctic Monkeys, but this song (Red Light Indicates Doors Are Secured) is just plain made of WIN. Listen to it. Now.
Hahaha! I am controlling my blog readers! Muahahahaha! Feel teh BURN!
...What burn, you ask?
The burn of...burnness.
Okay, this is starting to make less and less I'll, stop writing. Now.
More Randomness, sadly.
It is TOO early to be writing blog posts like this. Which is probably the reason why my demented little subconcious is making me do so.
Again, a nice little snide sound effect.
I have been drawing Death Note crackness for three days. Gawd, is it random. Here:
Yes, that is Mello, and yes, it's very bright and possibly seizure-inducing. I have way too much time on my hands.
-is happy-
Alright then. I'm going to go eat 'n' stuff, I'll write more later. Don't I always say that?
Teh Dark Knight Of Darkness
Yeah, we saw it. The Dark Knight.
And oh, gawd was it friggin' AWESOME! Man! I ADORE IT! I think I'm going to get up and do a little dance right now.
Okay. I'm happy.
Anyway, the Joker was one of the most awesome villains ever to be created by mortal means. Ohhhh gawd. It scared the pants off me as well. Jeez. I'm a sucker for scary movies...
But right now, I'm watching really stupid fanflashes that make me laugh hysterically and freak out my sister and my mom.
Click there.
Click there.
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