Hi. It's a blog. It isn't much, but I hope that you'll get a laugh, a giggle, or just a "What the heck?!" from reading it.
Ja ne.



Again, I find myself messing about on the computer. Why do I always turn to this blog when I have a spaz ready to break loose!?!
Well, today, it rained. A lot. Like seriously, a lot. And it thundered and lightninged and made my sister shriek and ask if we'd die.
Wonderously, we're all still alive, and I got past the part on Portal that was making me into a mindless keyboard-pounder.
Okay. Portal. This is the most awesome thinking game I've ever played. There is no violence (well, you do get shot at by sarcastic sentry bots...but...) and there's a lot of strategy involved, and occasionally I find myself trying to walk through walls back here.
You must buy it. Now. NOW, MINION! MUAHAHAH! Okay, you're not my minion, but hey, I can force you do buy a game. It's good for buisness.
So, you can find this pwning game in the Orange Box, which has three (?) other games in it- Half-life 2, Team Fortress 2 (which is utterly AMAZING, the character design is gorgeous) and...um...er...I don't know the other game, but it might be Portal. Um.
I've got to go, my dad wants me to abandon this computer for the time being.

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