Life is still okay down here in the unspecified location that I am sitting in. (haha, foiled again, online stalkers!)
I'm making some Death Note bookmarks, don't ask me why.
Oh yeah.
Jump up was last night, and for those of you who don't know what it is, it's a giant street festival thingy where EVERYONE just shows up and you shop. And eat. And shop.
So me and mah friends Lillian, Gehna, and J (who I will introduce later, have no fear) were just...I don't know, wandering around like nomads... because that is what you do at Jump Up.
Anyway. We met this guy named Ben, who is new, going into our school (which shall not be mentioned for fear of, again, online stalkers), and pretty awesome. This is unusual. Most of the new guys that come here are either way perverted or they think they're some sort of demigod.
So this is shweetness.
Moving on...
I have yet to find somewhere to download Ben Folds' 1 Angry Dwarf and 200 Solemn Faces, and this is bugging me 'cos it's a song just plain MADE OF WIN.
I'm telling you, it's awesome.
Random linkage:
This is my most popular fanfic so far, I'm really happy about it, and JEEZ, people keep on reviewing, and reviewing...and giving me plot goes on and on.
Let's go back to Lillian, Gehna, and J.
Lillian and Gehna are my two best friends in the whole universe right now, and I think they plan to stay that way. I am spacey, and they are continually trying to keep me from falling over/into/through stuff, since I am the only person they know that can fall up stairs.
They are uber awesome.
J (fake name 'cos he'd kill me if I used his real name) is also very awesome. He's currently sporting a fauxhawk, and he's gay.
All homophobes, please go smack yourself on the face, thank you.
J also makes these awesome little random movies that bring awe to the faces of small children and make us older folk laugh our rear ends off.
I'm serious about that.
I need to find some more Sigur, if you'll excuse me...