So, things I'm going to do:
- Shop. Yes, shop. A lot, because I need stuff.
- Eat my heart out.
- Go to a waterpark.
- Buy Pocky.
- Buy random volumes of Bleach and Furuba...
- Sleep.
- Gape in awe at the very tall buildings and the distinct lack of trees.
- Try to copy an accent and fail badly.
Woo...That's my objective list.
I'm goin' to Divi on Wednesday, hopefully I'll swim and not get my fingers torn to shreds on the stupid sides of the pool. I hate that pool. The sides are pretty much like sharp glass, so when you brush your hand/foot/other limb against it, it cuts it and it HURTS LIKE HELL.
I've also started my jotting journal for this school year. Awesome.