Hi. It's a blog. It isn't much, but I hope that you'll get a laugh, a giggle, or just a "What the heck?!" from reading it.
Ja ne.



Uggghh... school. Damn, I really didn't want to go, but I somehow got up against my will, creaked my way over to the bus stop, and lived through the day in one of the weirdest ensambles I've ever worn. Do NOT expect me to wear that again. Ever. Again. In. My. Life.


It sucks...'cos by fourth period, I think it's time to leave but no, we have 3 more classes to go to. And I have Algebra II EVERY SINGLE FRIGGIN' DAY.



It sucks. Majorly.


Moar Pictures.

This is (from left to right) Caroline, me, and Jamesey acting like complete idiots while posing on a bike.

I'm not sure what the heck I'm doing here, but obviously I'm very, very happy about something.
Or the sugar in the cake got to me. Who knows?!