Hi. It's a blog. It isn't much, but I hope that you'll get a laugh, a giggle, or just a "What the heck?!" from reading it.
Ja ne.



Hey everyone.

I'm sorry I haven't posted in...forever, but since there's very few people who even care about this blog, I guess it wasn't sorely missed. D:


So I'm sitting here, trying to think of more stuff to write in How To Torture Mello, which I forgot about for the longest time and then randomly wrote another chapter of just to please my awesome reviewers.

So now I'm stuck like some sort of evil pig.


So William burned me some Flaming Lips, and this makes me rather happy. Why, you ask? Because I 've been bothering him about it for, what, the last couple of weeks? Jeez, the boy needs reminders.


I have to burn some Sigur Ros for Will.

School sucks, but it's alright since I get to see everyone.

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