Hi. It's a blog. It isn't much, but I hope that you'll get a laugh, a giggle, or just a "What the heck?!" from reading it.
Ja ne.



I'm writing this from my mom's workplace, and jeez, this keyboard's getting on my nerves. No matter. I'm probably also not supposed to be on here...but...hey...what the heck.
Just went to the awesome Treasure Attic bookshop in C'sted, bought some new manga (Furuba, and then the first book of Reborn! 'cos I was curious.) Hannah proceeded to kidnap my stuff. Jeez...
Oh yesh! J is starting a blog, something like "Gourmetify" or "Gourmetliscious"...Anyway, it's nonexistent right now, but soon (i.e. whenever he gets it up) I'll be writing a column in it about the various random yummy foods that I can think of. Like...Green tea Pocky. Or edamame...or zabagliones. Whatever the case, it will be very gourmet. Checkitout, I'll put the link on a post once he's started it.
Oh yeah, and Duck/Inverted Triangle has started a blog too. My god, everyone's just taking my lead and...bloggifying. You're welcome, Blogger.
Does anyone know who Ellen Pompeo is? She's obviously someone important...sorry, I just noticed that on a convenient copy of American Way magazine that's sticking out from the bookshelf.
Alright then. This is rapidly becoming more and more ridiculous...
Oh! Has anyone out there played Mario Galaxy? Uaaaaaaaaah! It's for the Wii, and it's just RIDICULOUSLY fun. I suck at it. So badly. Hey, I suck at all video games, so this is nothing new for me...
I'd put a fancy-shmancy picture here, but there are no fancy pictures presenting themselves. Oh well. Have a nice day.
Shiitaki mushrooms.


Unknown said...

Here I am!! It's Jer. Nice to know you're still into anime/manga and I didn't waste my time on the bus all those months ago. Not sure who Pompeo is. Definitely played Mario Galaxy, it r0x0rz my b0x0rz! Everyone and their mums have Wiis at college. It's great.

I'd start my own blog too on BayWords (Blogs for pirates from the Pirate Bay [anonymous and untrackable ^_^]) buuut my life is way too boring or dramatic at any one point. Neither of which I'm fond of. My blog would be like, played on the computer for 12 hours, then started a fight with my best friend, then saved the galaxy from 5th dimensional space monkies, then ate popcorn.

Yeah totally boring.

-Jer jer

Tasha-Dawn said...

hey "blake" i like ur blog, it totally screems u. hope to c u next year at star camp.

Natasha :)