Hi. It's a blog. It isn't much, but I hope that you'll get a laugh, a giggle, or just a "What the heck?!" from reading it.
Ja ne.



Yes, it's a new post, woo woo woo...

I'm just trying to restart mah brain.

For the last little while, I've been readin' this awesome webcomic titled Wasted Talent.

It is hilarious, and since both my parents are Canadian civil enginneers, I understand most of the obscure enginneering jokes. (read: WTF is an Iron Ring? Oh...that.)


So everything's goin' alright here, I'm in a play.

WHEE, play.

I play Grammie, who is this old senile fart who likes to knit and be in the wrong place at the wrong time. This involves being very, very, VERY resistant to laughter, and VERY, VERY, resistant to running offstage cackling like a parrot.

If parrots cackle.


I've rediscovered Wilco and the Shins, and I need to download the latter's albums. For they are most amazing.


Yay for Hallowe'en, I was a crappy L.



'S so perty.



Well, again, sorry for all of you random people out there who are wondering why the hell I don't update this blog more often. It's because I'm busy, I'm trying to finish the current chapter of How To Torture Mello that I'm working on, and I'm also trying to get reasonably good grades in my classes. This cannot be done while I'm blogging, and since I have homework...no blogging for quite a while.
Well. Yesterday my mother came home from a buisness trip, and brought me back lots of chocolate and a fancy bag and PICTURES of the EU building, which is very shiny and very fancytastic indeed. I pigged out on the chocolate, acting like Mello and probably gaining five pounds in the process. Just what I need...-sigh-
I'm being L for Hallowe'en. If you don't know who L is, he's a slouchy black-haired panda-ish detective from Death Note. He is uber awesome, likes sweets, and holds his fork funny. I have also successfully dragged Stagger Lee into my scheme, he's being Near, who is the awesome fluffy sheep of Death Note. Look up their pictures, I'm too lazy to find a link.
ALSO! I'm trying to find some stuff on The World Ends With You, I looked up the wikipedia, but it's too confusing. If anyone can decipher what exactly goes on in that game, I would be eternally grateful.
So...school's going well, nothing really shockingly amazing has happened quite yet...I'm waiting for a great big revelation to occur, but so far the only thing amazing that's happened in that category is I downloaded Takk....
It is the most awesome thing my ears have been treated to. Oh, my. You have to listen to it. Please do, support Sigur Ros, because they are one of the best bands on earth right now (excepting Led Zepplin, Rush, and the Rolling Stones...and many others) in my opinion.
While you're at it, listen to "Working Man" by Rush. One of my favorite solos of all time- Rush is amazing. Their bassist is the pinnacle of win.
So I hope I've satisfied your craving for all drabbly things, keep reading and I'll keep writing (hopefully).
Hugs and llamas,



Hey everyone.

I'm sorry I haven't posted in...forever, but since there's very few people who even care about this blog, I guess it wasn't sorely missed. D:


So I'm sitting here, trying to think of more stuff to write in How To Torture Mello, which I forgot about for the longest time and then randomly wrote another chapter of just to please my awesome reviewers.

So now I'm stuck like some sort of evil pig.


So William burned me some Flaming Lips, and this makes me rather happy. Why, you ask? Because I 've been bothering him about it for, what, the last couple of weeks? Jeez, the boy needs reminders.


I have to burn some Sigur Ros for Will.

School sucks, but it's alright since I get to see everyone.



Uggghh... school. Damn, I really didn't want to go, but I somehow got up against my will, creaked my way over to the bus stop, and lived through the day in one of the weirdest ensambles I've ever worn. Do NOT expect me to wear that again. Ever. Again. In. My. Life.


It sucks...'cos by fourth period, I think it's time to leave but no, we have 3 more classes to go to. And I have Algebra II EVERY SINGLE FRIGGIN' DAY.



It sucks. Majorly.


Moar Pictures.

This is (from left to right) Caroline, me, and Jamesey acting like complete idiots while posing on a bike.

I'm not sure what the heck I'm doing here, but obviously I'm very, very happy about something.
Or the sugar in the cake got to me. Who knows?!


I have some pictures from Newport for your viewing pleasure. Above is what I ordered at this tiny hole-in-the-wall Thai restraunt.
Below is what the same plate looked like after about half an hour (I eat slowly).

Gawd, it was yumtastic. Or as Blayne (I watch Project Runway) would say- "Yumliscious."


Good Gracious Me.

Well, hello there, everyone. I'm sorry for the insanely long time without any crazy blogging to get you through your day, but...well...I was in Boston.
Actually, I was in Carver, which is about an hour and a half away from Boston, but close enough.
I have also turned fifteen. On the 16th.
Finally! I'm as old as most of my friends, including Gehna, who will be 16 in October. Not fair. T_T
Yes, I just used a very crappy emoticon, well...deal with it. I'm the birthday girl. BOW DOWN TO ME.
The Olympics are gangsta. I watched about fifteen minutes of the opening ceremony before my little sister declared that she was bored and switched the channel.
Ugh. Small children. >.>
I also bought the Sigur Ros CD that I've been rabbling about, and it's playing in my room right now. My sister's reading my books in there.
I also got Volume 7 of Death Note, which has COMPLETED my collection. Insert fancy fanfare here.
School starts in a week.
This is not cool.


Unpronouncible Icelandic.

So, yeah! 11 days 'till mah birthday, I'm happy as a friggin' water buffalo, and we're goin' up to Boston. Yay, Boston.
So, things I'm going to do:
  1. Shop. Yes, shop. A lot, because I need stuff.
  2. Eat my heart out.
  3. Go to a waterpark.
  4. Buy Pocky.
  5. Buy random volumes of Bleach and Furuba...
  6. Sleep.
  7. Gape in awe at the very tall buildings and the distinct lack of trees.
  8. Try to copy an accent and fail badly.

Woo...That's my objective list.
I'm goin' to Divi on Wednesday, hopefully I'll swim and not get my fingers torn to shreds on the stupid sides of the pool. I hate that pool. The sides are pretty much like sharp glass, so when you brush your hand/foot/other limb against it, it cuts it and it HURTS LIKE HELL.

I've also started my jotting journal for this school year. Awesome.




Again, I find myself messing about on the computer. Why do I always turn to this blog when I have a spaz ready to break loose!?!
Well, today, it rained. A lot. Like seriously, a lot. And it thundered and lightninged and made my sister shriek and ask if we'd die.
Wonderously, we're all still alive, and I got past the part on Portal that was making me into a mindless keyboard-pounder.
Okay. Portal. This is the most awesome thinking game I've ever played. There is no violence (well, you do get shot at by sarcastic sentry bots...but...) and there's a lot of strategy involved, and occasionally I find myself trying to walk through walls back here.
You must buy it. Now. NOW, MINION! MUAHAHAH! Okay, you're not my minion, but hey, I can force you do buy a game. It's good for buisness.
So, you can find this pwning game in the Orange Box, which has three (?) other games in it- Half-life 2, Team Fortress 2 (which is utterly AMAZING, the character design is gorgeous) and...um...er...I don't know the other game, but it might be Portal. Um.
I've got to go, my dad wants me to abandon this computer for the time being.


Annaly Bay.

So today we went hikin' over to Annaly Bay, which is the awesomest place on island. Totally. It's basically just a big hulkin' rocky beach, but then you climb over some rocks and voila, there is the Monk's Baths.
I love those baths. They're so relaxing and kinda Zen-like, which is neat, 'cos the hike there is just brutal (2.7 miles of hills) and after that you kinda don't smell too nice unless you've overdosed on Axe or whatever.
So we messed around in the pools for a while until mah dad's blood sugar (he has diabetes) got low so we had to go all the way back (again, 2.7 miles, and I didn't take the shortcut everyone else did) and went to eat some sandwiches. At Off The Wall. Dude, I like sandwiches.
There was a friggin' chicken in the first pool, all trussed up and ready to eat, and EW it was nasty. Squidgy and ick...I can't believe I'm drabbling about a chicken.
So then we went home, took a shower, and mah mom trucked me over to a speech therapist. Yes, she got me an appointment for a speech therapist. I have a lisp, well, actually clinically it's called "Tongue Thrusting."
Which basically means I've got the tongue of a two-year-old. Good gracious, I'm stuck in the oral stage.
And the reason?
Mah pacifier. Which I had till I was about 4.
So now I've got to do these excercise thingymajigs that are supposed to train my muscles to work differently so my tongue doesn't stick out and I don't look like some sort of obese camel.
And so my lisp will disappear.
If you see me at school doing weird things with my face, you know why. Do not annoy me about my stupid speech therapy. Get over it.
So now I'm utterly bored, having finished one of my summer reading books (I got it yesterday.) and being halfway through the next one. I'm still missing one of them (the book thief).
Oh. Yes.
And the foil side of those Pokemon tokens? They're weighted. Pwned.


Randomness II

Again, I love Picasa.
The two people who I have taken a picture of (mind you, with my crappy old film-taking camera of DOOOM) are, from left to right, Stagger Lee and Gehna. Stagger Lee is easily frightened, skates, listens to awesome music, and has fluffy white Near hair. Gehna...looks like she should be some sort of fashion model and is mah bestest friend in the universe...or at least one of them.
This picture was taken during Quiz Bowl. Oh, how I love Quiz Bowl. I'm actually rather good at it, and I'm grateful for being good at it because otherwise I'd do nothing during lunch and I'd be bored and emo-ish.
More on that later.
But hey, a picture. Consider yourself lucky.
Posted by Picasa


Listenin' to Spoon this early is theraputic, I guess. 'Cos suddenly I'm feeling all...I don't know...energized. This is strange.
So, yeah! Nothin' much happened yesterday, again...wow, my life is rather anticlimatic...
Anyway, just drabbling along, has anyone gone to Gourmetified lately?! 'Cos, y'know, I'm a guest writer, and I'll be drabbling about randomness...but food randomness.
And Hannah has discovered a new addiction to Super Mario Galaxy. For teh Wii.
We have a Wii, and until recently, we didn't really play it...heck, we didn't even really want it, and I was going to ask if we could sell it or give it to someone.
Then mah dad got some games off of Ebay. Geez, those games are friggin' EXPENSIVE, man! 60 bucks a pop or something like that. Urgh.
Anyway, Hannah is now a Mario Galaxy freak, and I'm rapidly rediscovering how incredibly pwning Pandora.com is. Ohhh man, it's awesome. I don't even usually listen to Arctic Monkeys, but this song (Red Light Indicates Doors Are Secured) is just plain made of WIN. Listen to it. Now.
Hahaha! I am controlling my blog readers! Muahahahaha! Feel teh BURN!
...What burn, you ask?
The burn of...burnness.
Okay, this is starting to make less and less sense...so I'll just...er, stop writing. Now.


More Randomness, sadly.


It is TOO early to be writing blog posts like this. Which is probably the reason why my demented little subconcious is making me do so.


Again, a nice little snide sound effect.


I have been drawing Death Note crackness for three days. Gawd, is it random. Here:

Yes, that is Mello, and yes, it's very bright and possibly seizure-inducing. I have way too much time on my hands.
-is happy-
Alright then. I'm going to go eat 'n' stuff, I'll write more later. Don't I always say that?



I love Picasa.
Posted by Picasa

Teh Dark Knight Of Darkness

Yeah, we saw it. The Dark Knight.

And oh, gawd was it friggin' AWESOME! Man! I ADORE IT! I think I'm going to get up and do a little dance right now.


Okay. I'm happy.

Anyway, the Joker was one of the most awesome villains ever to be created by mortal means. Ohhhh gawd. It scared the pants off me as well. Jeez. I'm a sucker for scary movies...

But right now, I'm watching really stupid fanflashes that make me laugh hysterically and freak out my sister and my mom.
Click there.




I am tired.
Ooooh, so tired.
I feel like my brain is going to explode out of the top of my head.
This would be bad.
I probably should go back to bed, but I'm too lazy to go all the way back over to my room...
...so I'll write about yesterday.
Me and mah little sister Hannah went to Carambola with some other peeps that are about three years younger than me. I lived with the no-people-my-age-ness, so I guess we had fun.
I really want to eat some marshmallow fluff for some reason. We have none in the fridge. This is sadness...
...I'm just rambling on, aren't I?
Anyway, here's something that happened a while ago:

Hannah is the most insane child this world has ever seen. The redheaded person is my mother.

Well, hopefully the video will work for you, 'cos it's waaaaiiii too slow to upload for me. I'll just sit here and drabble while it attempts to load...
Oh, and check out J's blog again. 'Cos he's been updating it. I'm a guest writer...woot woot...
I want to go to Iceland and look at all the pretty sheep. Stagger Lee, get me a sheep from Iceland if you're reading this. Or just get me the new Sigur Ros album. Plz.

Oh! Yes! My birthday's in...21 days! Wooooooohoooooo!!!!! Three weeks and I'll be as old as the rest of y'alls. This is shweetness. Please give me comments of gifty-ness and I might consider being kind to you and your kin. Hohohohohohoho.


Oh,yay, it's almost done uploading. I am a happy little bagel right now. I could just go on a mindless rampage through Christiansted...but no. I will refuse. Because I am an upstanding member of society. I will not stoop to mindless rampaging, oh no. For I...I will...
...stop writing this random insanity for the integrity of your mental health.

-long sigh-

I am indeed random.


Happy sentance!

Nothing has happened.
J's new blog is online: http://www.gourmetified.com/
Check itout.
Oh, and it's Super Mario Galaxy, in case you were wondering.
And no matter what people (namely, Vis/Inverted Triangle/Duck) say, I DO NOT SUCK. Take that, haters.



I'm writing this from my mom's workplace, and jeez, this keyboard's getting on my nerves. No matter. I'm probably also not supposed to be on here...but...hey...what the heck.
Just went to the awesome Treasure Attic bookshop in C'sted, bought some new manga (Furuba, and then the first book of Reborn! 'cos I was curious.) Hannah proceeded to kidnap my stuff. Jeez...
Oh yesh! J is starting a blog, something like "Gourmetify" or "Gourmetliscious"...Anyway, it's nonexistent right now, but soon (i.e. whenever he gets it up) I'll be writing a column in it about the various random yummy foods that I can think of. Like...Green tea Pocky. Or edamame...or zabagliones. Whatever the case, it will be very gourmet. Checkitout, I'll put the link on a post once he's started it.
Oh yeah, and Duck/Inverted Triangle has started a blog too. My god, everyone's just taking my lead and...bloggifying. You're welcome, Blogger.
Does anyone know who Ellen Pompeo is? She's obviously someone important...sorry, I just noticed that on a convenient copy of American Way magazine that's sticking out from the bookshelf.
Alright then. This is rapidly becoming more and more ridiculous...
Oh! Has anyone out there played Mario Galaxy? Uaaaaaaaaah! It's for the Wii, and it's just RIDICULOUSLY fun. I suck at it. So badly. Hey, I suck at all video games, so this is nothing new for me...
I'd put a fancy-shmancy picture here, but there are no fancy pictures presenting themselves. Oh well. Have a nice day.
Shiitaki mushrooms.



Well, the Seuss saga has ended. It's a sad time for us and our lack of costumeage.
...That made no sense, but hey, it's early in the morning and my brain's flywheels are still trying to turn faster.
Have any of you ever made hummus before? Jeez, it's obnoxious, 'cos you have to put it in the blender for about fifteen minutes and GAWD, it's loud. Mehhhhh.
I've just gotten home from a sleepover thingy at Lillian's house, with Gehna. We didn't do much of anything, but hey, that's cool. I tackled Gehna in mah sleep. I do that a lot.
I'm running out of things to write about, so I need someone to do something exciting.
Oh, wait! We're going up to Boston in August, woo, and I'm going to buy a ton of CDs and clothes and other tchotckes. I spelled that wrong. But when I come back, I'm going to have that Sigur Ros album...the one that I can't pronounce since it's in icelandic and it's crazy hard to read...Um...I can't even remember. But it has some of the most awesomely pwning music on it. Check out their website. I'm too lazy to find it and put it here, so Google it or something, okay? Jeez. You expect me to do everything for you. I'm not your blogging slave...
We interrupt this blog for a happy sentence:
U R SO KOOL YAH!!!! -heart- !!!!
...Sorry, that's something I've wanted to do for a while now. It's very...I don't know, invigorating or something? Ah, I'm just writing down drivel now. You can stop reading, 'cos I'm just probably going to end it right now or something...
...aahahahaaagh...I'm hungry, and my sister made pie.
...I'm going to go eat it now, thanks.


Jabba the Hutt.

Uh...nothing new to report?
I'm ADDICTED to Alternate, this crazy awesome webcomic by some chick who lives in Canada. It is awesome. I think Xin is mah soulmate. We need to get together and have a random dance-off.
Shells yesh!
Click on it. Be addicted to it's utter oddness. Eat octopus dumplings.
...or not, please don't hurt the octopi...what did they ever do to you?! WHAHAAAHAHA!
Wow, I'm somewhat crazy today. I'm hungry...I need food...and Hannah's playing MySims in the next room. The theme music gets on mah nerves. Foooooooood.
This is probably the most random post so far. Do not worry, my dear readers, I will become less spazzy and retreat into my emo corner as soon as I eat stuff.
Speaking of my emo corner, I need to get someone to scan the picture I drew of it. Heck, I need someone to scan all my pictures so that the folks at DeviantArt can finally see my "brilliance."
Randomly yours,



Hellos again.
For all the people who stopped by to read this and left a vote on the vote-y thingy over there, thank you. (yes, that means you, J! Wooo!!)
I'm sorry I haven't updated anytime soon, but the person who controls this computer (cough, cough, mah dad) had forbidden me from going on here, therefore limiting the amount of blogginess I could do.
Moving on.
I'm in a theater camp currently, and we're putting on the production Seussical. Woooohooo. There are about thirty hyperactive 8- and 9-year-olds, and they CLING. Like...plastic wrap. I'll be walking...and one will come up and just cling onto my leg. Eeerrhg....it annoys me, walking with small children all Superglued on various limbs.
We also have to sing.
I, as far as I can tell, don't have a very good voice, but goshdarnit, I'm LOUD. All those projecting things that Mrs. Blanchette taught us have stuck somewhere in the deep dark crevasses of my brain. So basically...whenever I sing, you only hear me, unless I'm doing falsetto (which, incedentally, sounds much worse than my real voice. Ehhhh...) and sounding like some sort of random breeze.
I'm a monkey. We have a dance. It is possibly the coolest dance that I've ever done, and it involves jumping like a Naruto ninja and thwacking the floor for no apparent reason. I've bruised my hand from doing that dance. It is PAINFUL.
On that note, there is a last little thingy in a song I sing that involves a very large slidy thingy, and when I sing it, it feels like mah head is about to explodify. NOT FUN. SERIOUSLY. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MAKE YOUR HEAD EXPLODE BY SINGING.
Oh yeah, to all the people who put "Ooh! A squirrel!" as their ballot, I congratulate you.
I wanna go eat some edamame...I love edamame...I'm an edamame MONSTER. "Fierce."
Work that fauxhawk, J. Lol.
Some random things I found that make me laugh my face off from the utter hilarity:
Do not read that unless you're familiar with Death Note.
Oh, heck, read it anyway.
...Don't ask.
You don't even have to understand who these are, they're just SOOOOOO CUUUTEEE!!!!
Ahaha! Where was I before I went on my random tangent of DeviantArt fabrications?
Nowhere, and that was the goal.
Wow, I need some food.
Laterz, y'all...


-no comment-

Finally got to post, I'm glad I did.
Life is still okay down here in the unspecified location that I am sitting in. (haha, foiled again, online stalkers!)
I'm making some Death Note bookmarks, don't ask me why.
Oh yeah.
Jump up was last night, and for those of you who don't know what it is, it's a giant street festival thingy where EVERYONE just shows up and you shop. And eat. And shop.
So me and mah friends Lillian, Gehna, and J (who I will introduce later, have no fear) were just...I don't know, wandering around like nomads... because that is what you do at Jump Up.
Anyway. We met this guy named Ben, who is new, going into our school (which shall not be mentioned for fear of, again, online stalkers), and pretty awesome. This is unusual. Most of the new guys that come here are either way perverted or they think they're some sort of demigod.
So this is shweetness.
Moving on...
I have yet to find somewhere to download Ben Folds' 1 Angry Dwarf and 200 Solemn Faces, and this is bugging me 'cos it's a song just plain MADE OF WIN.
I'm telling you, it's awesome.
This is my most popular fanfic so far, I'm really happy about it, and JEEZ, people keep on reviewing, and reviewing...and giving me plot bunnies...and...it goes on and on.
Let's go back to Lillian, Gehna, and J.
Lillian and Gehna are my two best friends in the whole universe right now, and I think they plan to stay that way. I am spacey, and they are continually trying to keep me from falling over/into/through stuff, since I am the only person they know that can fall up stairs.
They are uber awesome.
J (fake name 'cos he'd kill me if I used his real name) is also very awesome. He's currently sporting a fauxhawk, and he's gay.
All homophobes, please go smack yourself on the face, thank you.
J also makes these awesome little random movies that bring awe to the faces of small children and make us older folk laugh our rear ends off.
I'm serious about that.
I need to find some more Sigur Ros...so, if you'll excuse me...


Rushed Drabbles

-falls over screaming nonsense-
Hopefully I'll be able to write something that makes more sense later. But for now I'm just trying not to go insane over the crazy hard Gobbledigook and Creep tabs that are beckoning me to attempt to play them.
I'm just going to end this abruptly, since my mind is like a glass of Guinness that keeps foaming over. Graaahhh.
Ja ne-


Well. Hello there.

Wow, it's the first blog post I've ever written. I feel...special. Yes, special, like this is an opportunity only given to select people and I have been chosen. Excuse me while I bask in my new-blogger glory.
Thank you.
As I was saying, this is my first blog EVAH, in the history of blogging, and I'm really overusing the word "blog" here. Jeez. I have to make a good impression on the masses.
I am Blake, otherwise known as Daisukeismyboyfriend (on Fanfiction.net) or DameofMaracas (on DeviantArt.com). I have other pennames, but this is the one that I like the best.
I am an otaku/indie music listener/actress/artist/crazy student/angsty teen/random person.
I also sometimes sail on weekends.
Well, enough about me, since you're probably wondering "Why the hell am I still reading this?!"
You're still reading this because I have HYPTONIZED YOU into doing so.
Muahaha. I laugh evilly.
Okay, not really, but speaking of hyptonizing, the Sigur Ros song Gobbledigook is very, very, very addicting. Good god, I've listened to it about sixty million times and I still love the quasi-Native American (being politically correct here, folks) drums droning on in the background.
And I don't speak Icelandic, so I've no idea what the hell they're talking about. But it sure sounds pretty.
I'm going to buy that album when next I get the chance.
Death Cab For Cutie's album Transatlanticism is also awesome, hells, anything by DCFC is awesome. I'm such an indie geek. And I'm just DYING to go to Bonaroo, except it's already over, which absolutely SUCKS. It sucks PARSLEY, man. I'm pissed. Rawr.
Moving on, I'm probably going to be writing about absolutely anything that randomly pops into my mind. I am a drabbler by nature, and I write almost exactly how I talk... at least I think so...
Please comment, leave happy remarks so I get motivated to write some more (and maybe I'll write some of my plot bunnies for Fanfiction, hint hint, wink wink...) and if you know me and I've sent you this link, hi and I hope I see you soon.
Peace, love, and sushi galore,